Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Domestic Violence Against Women- Shocking but yes it still exists!

In this day and age doesn't it seem wierd that we are still talking about a topic that should have been redundant by now...! 

In the 90s we had

this whole loud expression on women empowerment, dowry-abolishmentand many such feminist moments, which were successful in creating awareness and eradicating a lot of these evils.  But we are now in 2009 and it looks like the safe world that most women perceive to be a reality, does have a dark side hiding just below the surface. Atleast that's what I thought when I saw the advertisement in TOI encouraging people to send entrees for Cannes Awards for The Best Social Advertisement. The topic as you might have guessed was "Stop Domestic violence against women. Report abuse". 

I for one loved the 'ghanti bajao' ad and was intrigued to come up with something just as simple and spectaculary effective in print. I managed to get some concepts on the table but I was not too pleased with the results and hence didn't send the entry for the award. But later it got me thinking that I should atleast blog about my attempt. And here I am sharing with all of you my attempt to make a difference. Whether it is successful, I can't say; but the attempt is heartfelt and the issue is so genuine I want to add my bit by putting it into the net-world. 

It gives me goosebumps to think of women out there who are so desperately needing help but are too scared to voice out and ask for it. I hope this inspires and helps atleast a few of them.

Please write back with your feedbacks. I would love to hear from you.


Unknown said...

Hey Astu, I really liked your attempts.
I also feel very passionately about the cause. I feel The solution lies in breaking the silence as most women are afraid of talking about it.
We all should say NO to violence against us!
Violence against women affects every woman’s life, even if she herself is not a victim. It is evident in every decision she makes or does not (within homes, social settings or workplace) be it the mode of dress, behavior or movement. And, in turn, it affects each one in society adversely.
Keep writing .it’s good to read what you write

Swanti said...

Astu, I think you have a wonderful it through pictures. Good work !!