Sunday, April 11, 2010

Its a boy! ... and you are invited. :)

Its been so long since I have done anything remotely creative, that a little thing like a card made for a very dear friend, for her new born's baby shower, also deserves to be blogged about... Its just a little in-formal event where she's inviting close family and friends to share her joys. I'm very thrilled that she thought of me to design this card for her, 'coz it sure was immensely pleasurable to design it. The image is courtesy, the one and only Anne Geddes of course! Babies have an innocence that I think she captures beautifully in her photographs. I am a big fan. :)

Do tell, what you thought of the card. I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Swanti said...

You created this card??? Wow!! You
re so creative....I wish I could do something like this :(